A Cute Christmas Letter

 Dear Santa,

Did you get my tweet?

tell honestly and do not cheat.

Hahaha! just kidding,

I know you are so sweet

that you will give me 

lots of presents as a treat.

I have also posted on your FB account

about my dreams and desires

so please take them into count.

Hey Santa! one thing more,

don't you dare to ignore


I have mailed you the list of the stuff

so please arrange them without making any bluff.

But still I am sad

as I can not come out to meet you.

This Corona is so bad.

When will it all get over?

I really have no clue.

For you, to recognise me will be a huge task

as I will be wearing a mask.

This Christmas, I don't need presents and sweets

just make my small wish come true.

Let this Corona crisis be over once and for all

so that I can enjoy every season

whether it is summer or fall.

I want to breathe in fresh air

without a mask,

Hope for me,

You will complete this task.  

Pic Credit: https://adsharkmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/Artboard-1-8-2.png 


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