Taking a small step towards a CARAVAN

 A big HELLO to all of you. Today a thought just struck me that why we all can't share our thoughts and feelings on this common platform that is, my blog. It will help us to express our feelings which we often are unable to share with someone personally specially in the present scenario. Thus, knitting us all in one family. It's not necessary that one should write poetry only to share one's feelings. You can just talk in a conversation form or like as if you are writing a diary page. The sole idea is to listen to each other no matter whether you use Hindi or English language as a medium of expression. It could be anything, about your hobby, your likes and dislikes. We just need to steal few moments for us from our daily chores just like I have been doing 😊. That's why I had named my blog "STOLEN MOMENTS". So, are you all willing to steal few moments for yourself and try to discover your innerself. It's just a small effort to bring happiness and meaning to your life. Hoping to listen to you through words😊. Just let me know if you are interested and I will send you an invite. Let's begin our journey....


  1. Hi krati ....hope all well lovely idea 👍

    1. Hi dear.. Yup.. We are doing good.. Thanks much.. Would love if you could also share your thoughts.. ☺

  2. Replies
    1. Would love to see your posts on my blog.. Will send you an invite when ever you are interested.. 🙂


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