Love Yourself

Who are we ?
How many of us have ever
given this question a serious thought?
I tell you,
We are the God's beautiful creation
and must remember this against all odds.
In the journey of life,
We assay various roles
and we all have set our goals.
Specially the lives of us girls
undergoes a series of transformations.
Starting from being a daughter then a wife
Half of it goes like that what we call the life.
Then another chapter is added that of being a mother
barely leaving time for ourselves or the others.
While fulfilling our responsibilities,
We forget about our abilites and hobbies.
Our interests take a backseat as
we get concerned to put our family first.
We stop caring about ourselves,
and also never seem to be in the mood of loving oneself.
As a result we sometimes end up being depressed and irritated.
The best way to cope with this
is to find the time for ourselves,
doing things that please us and not others.
Start loving yourselves without comparing with others.


  1. Ofcourse... This is of utmost importance

  2. Hey, very well expressed. Something that I needed to be reminded of today. So thanks a lot for penning this down! You really do have a knack for poetic expressions. Keep it coming. Do update regularly.

    1. Thanks Pradnya..even at some stage of life I too was feeling the sameand it's not only with us I think it's a general phenomenon with most of the ladies out there..


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