
Today as it was raining since afternoon and as a consequence could not go for a walk. After sending my daughters to their friends home with my maid I sat up with my pen and paper and suddenly thought of writing about daughters.


Ah! what a wonderful feeling comes
on hearing the word daughters.
Such a lovely gift of God
whom we must protect against all odds.
Their tiny little fingers, tiny little toes,
fill our world with happiness unfold.
They are just like the butterflies
Flying all over the house,
They are like chirping birds 
Singing melodies in their tree house.
And sometimes it seems they are
the rainbow smiling over the clouds.
They are so sweet and caring when they ask
Oh! Mumma, can we help you in your task?
Their colorful dresses and the matching clips,
beautiful hairstyles and lipstick on the lips,
Not to be forgotten their huge collection
of shoes and the sandals,
All makes our world so vibrant and full of life
which cannot be put to words and define.
They are so special
whom we always want to treasure.
But the truth is that we can't
as one day, they have to fly to another sky
leaving behind endless memories 
as they bid good-bye......


  1. Exactly right dear... Cheers.. You hv two n I have One... N they r equally important as our parents... They r real God's love


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