
Showing posts from November, 2017


कभी अपनी सी लगती हैं तन्हाईयाँ  कभी इतना अखरती हैं तन्हाईयाँ |  अनकही बातों को शब्द देती हैं तन्हाईयाँ  सपने हज़ार बुनती हैं ये तन्हाईयाँ |  कभी दूर गए अपनों का एहसास कराती हैं ये  तो कभी पास के अपनों को भी पराया कर जाती हैं |  कभी नयी हसीं दुनिया की झलक दिखलाती हैं  तो कभी ज़िन्दगी के पुराने पन्ने पलट जाती हैं |  अपनों की पहचान कराती हैं तन्हाईयाँ  गैरों को भी अपना बनाती हैं तन्हाईयाँ |  कभी हौले से आकर मुस्कुरा जाती हैं  तो कभी आँखों में आँसू दे जाती हैं |  क्या अजीब इत्तेफ़ाक है ज़िन्दगी का , महफ़िल में शामिल लोग तन्हाईयाँ तलाशते हैं  और तन्हाइयों की गहराईयों से लोग महफ़िल की तऱफ भागते हैं |  मुझे मेरी तन्हाई अच्छी लगती है,  क्या कहें आज की झूठी दुनिया से ये ही सच्ची लगती है,  उम्मीदों के भार से तो तन्हाई ही हलकी लगती है|  अपने लिए चंद पल तन्हाई के मिल जाएँ , तो बोझिल ज़िन्दगी भी जन्नत लगती है |   आज शौहरत के पीछे भागती है ये दुनिया  और मैं तन्हाई में ही अपनी दुनिया बसाना चाहती हूँ | | 


Flowers, Flowers are you listening? I think I am also like you. We both are God's children being plucked and planted now and then. People want us because we look beautiful and expect us to be very dutiful. Of different colours, shapes and sizes, they want us to fit in their advices. They are so fond of our fragrance, but never find out the reason of our arrogance. Mere thought of change of seasons make us feel sick as we will wither away never to bloom on a stick. Are we mere puppets in their hands? And have no feelings and stand. We do want to laugh, we do want to play but only if one is ready to  listen and understand, then only we can say. Please listen us, understand us and let our feelings bloom in a special place and that is your heart.


HOPE What is Hope? Is it just a four letter word or contains in it the whole world. Just a mere thought of it energises us and prepares us to face every situation of life whether it is heavy or light. Hope makes us believe in God and tells us to do good inspite of all odds. It is the hope only which makes us smile, when we are feeling lonely and not agile. Saying that one day, the sun will shine. Hope, Hope and Hope, It's there everyday and every year round, engulfing our thoughts as we turn around. I hope, one day this will happen and the other day a new hope will be risen. As it goes like "Hope never ends".

Love Yourself

Who are we ? How many of us have ever given this question a serious thought? I tell you, We are the God's beautiful creation and must remember this against all odds. In the journey of life, We assay various roles and we all have set our goals. Specially the lives of us girls undergoes a series of transformations. Starting from being a daughter then a wife Half of it goes like that what we call the life. Then another chapter is added that of being a mother barely leaving time for ourselves or the others. While fulfilling our responsibilities, We forget about our abilites and hobbies. Our interests take a backseat as we get concerned to put our family first. We stop caring about ourselves, and also never seem to be in the mood of loving oneself. As a result we sometimes end up being depressed and irritated. The best way to cope with this is to find the time for ourselves, doing things that please us and not others. Start lovin


Today as it was raining since afternoon and as a consequence could not go for a walk. After sending my daughters to their friends home with my maid I sat up with my pen and paper and suddenly thought of writing about daughters. Daughters  Ah! what a wonderful feeling comes on hearing the word daughters. Such a lovely gift of God whom we must protect against all odds. Their tiny little fingers, tiny little toes, fill our world with happiness unfold. They are just like the butterflies Flying all over the house, They are like chirping birds  Singing melodies in their tree house. And sometimes it seems they are the rainbow smiling over the clouds. They are so sweet and caring when they ask Oh! Mumma, can we help you in your task? Their colorful dresses and the matching clips, beautiful hairstyles and lipstick on the lips, Not to be forgotten their huge collection of shoes and the sandals, All makes our world so vibrant and full of life which


It is one of my collection of my feelings written in a super excited state of mind for my marriage invitation card 😊. As I am not into professional writing you will find the words used to be very simple and sometimes even I enter into conversation sort of writing.